Calici di Stelle in Grado, San Daniele and... “in cantina”
The customary, summer appointment with wine tastings by night is Calici di Stelle, managed by Movimento Turismo del Vino FVG. This year, a two-nights event will take place on August 9 and 10 in the renowned seaside town of Grado, at Diga Nazario Sauro. Local wineries and farmers will display their own wines and products for visitors to taste and enjoy, just right by the sea in a magical setting.
Here are all the wineries that will be present: Ballaminut, Bastianich, Berdon Diego, Berto e Fiorella Baccichetto, Borgo Conventi, Bucovaz, Ca'Tullio, Cascina Lavaroni, Conte d'Attimis - Maniago, Conti della Frattina, Di Lenardo, Elio Vini, Ferrin, Giacomo Orlando, Korsic, La Magnolia, Le due torri, Marcuzzi Viticola, Mister Bio , Petrucco, Pitars, Roi Clar, Ronc dai Luchis, Sosol, Spolert, Torre Rosazza, Truant, Vigna Lenuzza, Villa Vitas, Vini Brojli. You can click here to check the complete menu and to buy your ticket.
A special event will also be held in San Daniele del Friuli on August 17: an aperitivo with the delicious San Daniele ham with a chance to meet he local ham-makers, and tastings of the delicate DOP prosciutto will be matched with wines from local wineries, carefully selected for the evening.
Moreover, in August all over Friuli Venezia Giulia wine lovers can also enjoy wine tastings by visiting directly the local winemakers' facilities, thanks to the side event “Calici di Stelle in Cantina”: you'll find the full list of adhering winemakers by clicking here.
And another main association, Città del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, set up a full program of tastings by nights in many Friulian towns, under the name of “Le Notti del Vino” (Wine Nights). The events already started and there are two scheduled also for tonight, August 3: at Villa Michieli Fantin in Pocenia and at Parco di Villa de Brandis in San Giovanni al Natisone, both near Udine. Click here to find the detailed program of each wine night.
Here are all the next events and locations:
August 5 – Leproso di Premariacco (Udine), Braida Copetti Sculpture Park
August 6 – Latisana (UD), Piazzetta dell’Imbarcadero Aprilia Marittima
August 6 – Torreano (UD), Parco dello Scalpellino
August 7 – Manzano (UD), Abbazia di Rosazzo
August 8 – Buttrio (UD), Villa di Toppo-Florio
August 8 – Latisana (UD), Piazza Indipendenza
August 8 – San Vito al Tagliamento (Pordenone), Piazza del Popolo
August 9 and 10 – Aquileia (UD), Piazza Capitolo. Highlights: in August, the following archaeological sites in Aquileia will be open by night, every Friday up to 10 pm: Sepolcreto, Decumano of Aratria Galla, Roman Domuses - Fondo CAL, Domus of Tito Macro, Domus and Bishop's Palace, National Archaelogical Museum, the Basilica (for more infos, click here)
August 9 – Camino al Tagliamento (UD), Casa Liani
August 9 – Duino Aurisina – Devin Nabrežina (Trieste), PromoTurismoFVG – Infopoint Sistiana
August 9 – Sequals (PN), Villa Ciani Lestans
August 10 – Bertiolo (UD), Cabert Cantina di Bertiolo
August 10 – Povoletto (UD), Villa Pitotti
August 11 – Prepotto (UD), Ponte dello Schioppettino – Schioppettino bridge
August 22 – Cormòns (Gorizia), Osteria La Preda – La Subida
August 22 – Sesto al Reghena (PN), Piazzetta Burovich
August 22 – Sgonico – Zgonik (TS), at the olive tree grove in the hamlet
August 23 – Buje d’Istria (Croatia), Borgo San Mauro – Momiano
August 24 – Codroipo (UD), Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi
August 24 – Ronchi dei Legionari (GO), Tenuta di Blasig
August 24 – San Dorligo della Valle (TS), Dolina Bagnoli della Rosandra – Boljunec
August 27 – Nimis (UD), Cantina I Comelli's park
Not only Calici di Stelle... but “Raggi di Stelle” too! SAF – Società Alpina Friulana is engaging in a lot of activities, this year, for its 100th anniversary. Among them, there's a night hike in mountain bike on August 10 to watch falling stars, that is on “notte di San Lorenzo” or St. Lawrence's Night – which, according to Italian tradition, is the best night to see falling stars. The point from which to enjoy the night view will be Sella Sant'Agnese (430 metres high) in Gemona del Friuli, near Udine, a small crossing place named after the church of Saint Agnes just right there: a strategical position oversseing the neighbouring valleys.
So, to join their Raggi di Stelle (Star beams) you can click here and remember, you must enter your submission by August 7! Also remember to bring your own equipment (as in the photo below): a spot light to put on your helmet and an additional super-bright spotlight to be put on your bike's handlebars, a rear light. And, of course... your mountain bike! You'll find the complete program for the night hike here.
Photo Credits:
Le Notti del Vino taken from Le Città del Vino FVG's official Facebook account
Night hike - photo provided by SAF