Just to give a hint, more than 3,000 people have been involved in the organization of the 2023 parade for over a year, according to Dante Soravito de Franceschi, president of Associazione Nazionale Alpini's Udine delegation. More than 90,000 Alpini will be there, and a rough 450,000 people are expected to attend. It's the fifth time that the parade is coming to town, and Udine has a great Alpini's tradition: so its mayor, Alberto Felice De Toni, said when presenting the event back in April, this year. The last Adunata in Friuli Venezia Giulia was held in Pordenone, in 2014.
«The Alpini are proactive men», said Sebastiano Favero, president of ANA – Alpini's National Association, while disclosing some data from the “Libro verde della Solidarietà 2022” (the Green Book of Solidarity 2022): more than 2 million hours of work done by the association's volunteers for free, plus 4,54 million euros collected through donations, and all that just in the year 2022 – a great help to all the areas where the Alpini operate, throughout the country.
The corps was established back in 1872 and it's the oldest, active mountain infantry in the world. As a boot-shaped peninsula, surrounded on the South and on the East and West coasts by the Mediterranean Sea, Italy's real borders are in the North, across the Alps: actually the Alpini, the country's specialist mountain infantry, are named after its highest mountain chain which defines Italian borders with Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland and France and are actually one of its most strategically relevant corps.
The event promoted by ANA - Associazione Nazionale Alpini will kick off in Redipuglia (Gorizia) on May 11, at 10.30 am, with a visit to the Sacrario di Redipuglia, the impressive memorial monument where 100,000 soldiers fallen during Worl War I were laid to rest. Afterwards, in Gemona (Udine), the national delegation will pay homage to people and Alpini deceased during the terrible earthquake that hit Friuli Venezia Giulia in 1976, bringing down whole towns and reducing them into rubble.
On the following days, celebrations will go on in Udine where the “Cittadella degli Alpini”, the headquarter of the event, will open at Parco Moretti on May 12, at 11 am. On May 13, paratroopers will give a demonstration of their training by parachuting themselves over the outdoor sports centre Clocchiatti's fields.
But the core of the event will be the main parade through the streets of Udine, starting on Sunday morning at 9 am and going on almost all day.
Here are all the maps detailing the parade's itinerary: https://www.adunatalpini.it/cartine/
For the full schedule of the 94^ Adunata degli Alpini in Udine, click here.
It's also possible to get all the information in real time through the official apps “Adunata alpini” and “Alpinapp”.
Photo Credits:
Cover Photo: Udine's central streets by Raffaella Turati
Inner Photos taken from ANA – Associazione Nazionale Alpini's official Facebook account, and from 2023 Adunata Alpini's official website and Facebook account