Right in the days devoted to Saint Martin and known in Italy as “St. Martin's Summer” (as they're usually mild despite the usually harsh weather), many Friulian winemakers will open their estates and welcome visitors for a string of tasting events: winetastings with experts and sommeliers, tasting workshops, wine&food matchings with local dishes at lunch and dinner and showcookings.
Tourists will get to talk directly with passionate owners about their activities and the recent grape harvest, while at the same time enjoying splendid views of the Friulian landscapes, as winemaking locations are surrounded by nature and some of them even include ancient mansions or castles.
Special menus and showcookings
And Cantine Aperte 2021 will take wine tastings to a whole new level with “A tavola con il vignaiolo” (Sitting down at the table with the winemaker): many winemaking locations have already arranged special seasonal menus, for lunch or dinner, matching local dishes with their wines, acting as tourguides of the region's most exquisite delicacies and taking visitors to a tasting trip they won't forget (click here to view some of the menus). Some cantinas instead will match one typical local dish and you'll find the adhering ones, and the dishes, by clicking here.
Cantine Aperte confirmed its partnership with WeFood, a festival devoted to the so called “Fabbriche del Gusto” (Taste Factories) which is regularly held in Friuli Venezia Giulia and other Italian regions. Thanks to this partnership, on November 6th a few winemaking firms will organize some brilliant showcookings along with celebrated chefs from Friuli Venezia Giulia and nearby Veneto: Alessandro Pascolo teamed up with restaurant “Ai Tre Canai” (in Marano Lagunare, near Udine), Barone Ritter de Zàhony with restaurant “La Torre” (in Spilimbergo, near Pordenone), Borgo Conventi with “Noir” restaurant in Ponzano Veneto (near Treviso, in Veneto). By clicking here, you'll see all winemakers profiles and from each profile you'll be able to buy the events.
Cantine Aperte 2021 – The winemakers' full list
Here are all the winemakers adhering to the Cantine Aperte 2021 on November 6th and 7th in Friuli Venezia Giulia. All the wine firms are followed by their own towns' names and listed under the province of origin.
Of course, all events are designed for the guests' safety: a Covid-19 green pass is required to access all locations, and mask wearing is mandatory during the visits. Reservations too are mandatory in most cases, or strongly advised, so please check each winemaker's recommendations and check directly at the cantine's mail or phone number for availability. More infos at: [email protected].
Principi di Porcia at the castle in Porcìa and at the farm in Azzano Decimo http://www.porcia.com
Cantina I Magredi in S. Giorgio della Richinvelda http://www.imagredi.com
Elio Vini in Cividale del Friuli http://www.eliovini.it
Dario Coos in Nimis http://www.dariocoos.it
Ronc dai Luchis in Faedis http://www.roncdailuchis.com
Le Due Torri in Corno di Rosazzo http://www.le2torri.com
Spolert Winery in Prepotto http://www.spolert.it
Grillo Iole in Prepotto http://www.vinigrillo.it
Stanig in Prepotto http://www.stanig.it
Barone Ritter de Záhony in Aquileia http://www.ritterdezahony.it
Cantina Puntin in Aquileia http://www.vinipuntiaquileia.com
Vigne del Malina in Remanzacco http://www.vignedelmalina.com
De Claricini in Bottenicco http://www.declaricini.it
Pontoni Flavio in Buttrio http://www.pontoni.it
Rocca Bernarda in Premariacco http://www.sagrivit.it
Ferrin Paolo in Camino al Tagliamento http://www.ferrin.it
Torre Rosazza in Manzano, frazione Oleis http://www.torrerosazza.com
Azienda del Poggio in Fagagna http://www.aziendadelpoggio.it
Valpanera in Fiumicello Villa Vicentina http://www.valpanera.it
Accordini in Faedis, frazione Campeglio http://www.accordinivini.com
Borgo Conventi in Farra d'Isonzo http://www.borgoconventi.it
Castello di Rubbia – Grad Rubjie in Savogna d'Isonzo, fraz. San Michele del Carso http://www.castellodirubbia.com
Vidussi Vini in Capriva del Friuli http://www.vinividussi.it
Graunar in S. Floriano del Collio http://www.graunarwines.com
Sergio Collarig's Crastin in Ruttars http://www.vinicrastin.it
Pascolo in Ruttars http://www.vinipascolo.com
Ferruccio Sgubin in Dolegna del Collio http://www.ferrucciosgubin.it
Tenuta Villanova in Farra d'Isonzo http://www.tenutavillanova.com
Parovel Vigneti&Oliveti 1898 in S. Dorligo della Valle http://www.parovel.com
About Movimento Turismo del Vino
The association counts on 800 high-profile cantine, carefully selected thanks to their quality standards as to wine tourism and accomodation. MTV aims at promoting wine culture through direct contact and visits at winemaking facilities, on one hand getting a greater public to know their associates and, on the other hand, also letting tourists know that it's possible to make wine while respecting both the environment and tradition. The Friulian delegation Movimento Turismo del Vino – Friuli Venezia Giulia consists of 80 winemaking firms, representing all the 8 regional DOC areas.