A real triumph of multicoloured and savoury food, “Gusti di Frontiera" will host delicacies from all the five continents in the world, with representatives coming from more than 40 countries: Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Greece, Croatia (with Istria), Serbia, Bosnia and the Balkans, Belgium, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Poland, Hungary, Spain, USA, Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, England, Scotland, Ireland, Thailand, North Africa, Madagascar, Tanzania, Senegal, Camerun, Australia, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, India and Israel.
«Gusti di Frontiera has been growing year after year, thus becoming an international event with a massive relevance not only for Gorizia, but for all the region. Such relevance will be even more evident as the city will be European Capital of Culture with Go!2025», said Rodolfo Ziberna, mayor of Gorizia.
As in "Gusti di Frontiera"'s previous editions, Gorizia will be divided into 17 geographical “borghi” (hamlets), like the “Borgo Mare” (seaside hamlet) at the Mercato all’Ingrosso, also hosting the “Borgo Latino and Americano” (Latin and American hamlet) stretching also up to piazza Municipio and via Cadorna. Italian regions' specialties will be on display for tasting in corso Italia and via Diaz, while corso Verdi will host the “Borgo 3 P” or “3 Ps' hamlet”: Pane, Pasta and Pizza (bread, pasta and pizza).
Slow Food will be the guest star presenting, in piazza Sant’Antonio, Friuli Venezia Giulia's 13 “presidi”, the 13 food-related excellences from the region which Slow Food contributes to safeguard, including the last four ones (pestith pesto, saurnschotte cheese, marasca honey and Carsolina sheep) that were announced this summer. In piazza Sant’Antonio there'll be also stalls of local products such as Gorizia' lavender and the “Rosa di Gorizia” (rose of Gorizia), a typical, gourmet variety of radicchio, and booths for local wine tastings: ONAV-National Organization of Wine Tasters and Ribolla Gialla wine's producers.
Austria and Switzerland will be in piazza Battisti, France at the Public Gardens, Northern Europe in piazza Vittoria, Central Europe in via Roma and via Oberdan, Slovenia and the Balkan Peninsula between via De Gasperi and via Roma. Africa will be in corso Verdi together with Australia, while Asian countries will be split between via Boccaccio and piazza Donatori di Sangue. Of course Friuli Venezia Giulia, as the host, will also be present with stalls of its typical dishes in the indoor market in via Oberdan, via Boccaccio and corso Verdi.
Food booths' openings:
September 29: 5pm-2am 17:00 alle 2:00
September 30: 10am-3am
October 01: 10am-3am
October 02: 10am- 12am
A special, international mini-train will also connect Gorizia to Nova Gorica, stopping in Erjavceva Ulica and via del Seminario, following this schedule: on Friday 30th 6pm-12am, on Saturday 1st 11am-12pm, on Sunday 2nd 11am-10pm.
The event is organized in collaboration with Friuli Venezia Giulia's Regional Government, Apt, Trenitalia, CCIAA Venezia Giulia, Fondazione Carigo, Ascom, Cassa Rurale FVG.
Credits: All photos taken from "Gusti di Frontiera"'s official Facebook account