A quiet stroll through vineyards along with the owners, wine tastings with wine experts and sommeliers matched by exquisite local products, sneaking into wine cellars to discover all the secrets that lead to a good wine... Vigneti Aperti 2022 is the perfect chance to experience some quality wine tourism in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
And wine locations will offer events of every kind: from musical wine tastings (at Beltrame's), to “gourmet” picnics (Tarlao Vignis), to Pranzo Natura with open-air lunch and concerts (De Claricini). More on the way in the next months, including “aperitivo” in the vineyards, sensory workshops, Cena col Vignaiolo (Dinner with the winemaker), and of course wine tastings and tours through vineyards and wine cellars. Here's the full list of wineries adhering to the project on the forthcoming weekend.
FULL LIST Vigneti Aperti – Open Vineyards on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd, April 2022:
Vigne del Malina in Remanzacco, fraz. Orzano (Udine) http://www.vignedelmalina.com
De Claricini in Moimacco, fraz. Bottenicco (UD) http://www.declaricini.it
Cantina Puntin – Aquileia (UD) http://www.vinipuntiaquileia.com
Ferrin Paolo – Camino al Tagliamento (UD) http://www.ferrin.it
Tarlao Vignis – Aquileia (UD) http://www.tarlao.eu
Ca' Tullio – Aquileia (UD) http://www.catullio.it
Elio Vini – Cividale del Fruli fraz Grupignano (UD) http://www.eliovini.it
Tenuta Beltrame in Bagnaria Arsa, fraz. Privano (UD) http://www.tenutabeltrame.it
Vistorta – Sacile (Pordenone) http://www.vistorta.it
Next Scheduled Weekends for 2022 Vigneti Aperti – Open Vineyards in Friuli Venezia Giulia:
In April on the 9th and 10th; 16th, 17th and 18th; 23rd, 24th and 25th; 30th
In May on the 1st; 7th and 8th; 14th and 15th; 21st and 22nd
In June on the 4th and 5th; 11th and 12th; 18th and 19th; 25th and 26th
Please check out the official page (by clicking here) for details about which vineyards will be open on the next spring and summer weekends. All events must be reserved in advance: contact the wineries to book your visit.
Other winemakers adhering on the forthcoming weekends:
Borgo Claudius – Trivignano Udinese, fraz. Clauiano (UD) www.borgoclaudius.it
Stanig – Prepotto (UD) www.stanig.it
Barone Ritter de Záhony – Aquileia (UD) www.ritterdezahony.it
Marcuzzi Viticola – S. Floriano del Collio (Gorizia) marcuzziviticola.it
Pascolo – Ruttars (GO) www.vinipascolo.com
Castel San Mauro in Castel S. Mauro (GO) www.castelsanmauro.it
Vidussi – Capriva del Friuli (GO) www.vinividussi.it
I Magredi – S. Giorgio della Richinvelda (Pordenone) www.imagredi.com
About Movimento Turismo del Vino
Movimento Turismo del Vino FVG is part of the national network Movimento Turismo del Vino, which counts on 800 high-profile wineries, carefully selected thanks to their quality standards as to wine tourism and accomodation. The Friulian delegation Movimento Turismo del Vino – Friuli Venezia Giulia consists of 80 winemaking firms, representing all the 8 regional DOC areas. MTV aims at promoting wine culture through direct contact and visits at winemaking facilities, thus prompting a quality wine tourism.