Locations will include, as usual, stunning historic city centres, ancient mansions and parks, and also local winemakers' facilities and vineyards. A full program for wine lovers and wine tourists who'll be able to enjoy Friulian wines and food, as well as Friuli Venezia Giulia's beautiful landscapes and picturesque hamlets. Local wines tastings will be at the centre of each events, many of which will be matched with open-air dinner or local delicacies' tastings. Plus many wineries too will open up for special night tastings for Calici di Stelle in Cantina: click here for the full list of wineries in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
«Calici di Stelle 2022 is a further step towards wine tourism's full recovery – said in a joint statement Angelo Radica, Città del Vino's President and Nicola D’Auria, Movimento Turismo del Vino's President – The pandemic forced us to many restrictions, and this year it'll be easier to claim back those evocative locations to cheer and taste the best of our typical wines and food. Together we'll send out an important message of support to our local economies and wine industries. The wine territories deserve our attention, we must make our best to support this production chain who generates wealth and values». A string of events not to ne missed by real wine lovers!
Capriva del Friuli (Gorizia) – July 29-30, August 5-6
Tra Collio italiano e sloveno – In the Italian and Slovenian Collio. From 6 pm to midnight, at Parco Laghetti Rossi in July and at Budignac's in August. For info: tel (+39) 348.2225447
Palazzolo dello Stella (Udine) – July 30
In the park of Villa Volpares, ten local winemakers will introduce their wines along local producers' food, a suitable match to promote the whole territory. Live music and an art exhibit inside the Villa will top off the event, promoted by the municipality and the local proloco ProPalazzolo.
San Giovanni al Natisone (UD) – August 3
Local winemakers and their wines will be the stars of the evening, set at Villa de Brandis' park. The local proloco Pro San Giovanni will welcome visitors with local food specialties, with a live music background. Art historian Luca Geroni will take visitors on tour guides inside Villa de Brandis for “Benvignûts in Ville” (Welcome to Villa), an event designed to enhance this 18th century mansion's art collections. Reservations is recommended for tour guides: tel. (+39) 0432.939590, [email protected].
Camino al Tagliamento (UD) – August 4
From 8 pm up to midnight, at Casa Liani in via Chiesa, wine tastings of local winemakers: Ferrin, Forchir, Sbaiz, Vendrame and Sergio Scarbolo. Wines will be paired with special dishes by restaurant “Al Volt di Sede”. Live music. For info: tel. (+39) 0432.919000, [email protected].
Premariacco (UD) – August 4
An oper-air museum will welcome visitors at the sculpture park “Braida Copetti”, along with live music and wine&food tastings. From 9 pm up to 1 am. For info: tel. (+399 346.2790793, [email protected].
Manzano (UD) – August 5
Local wines and food tastings in the astonishing Abbey of Rosazzo's cloister, from 7.30 pm up to midnight. Plus a concert at 9 pm in the Abbey's church: for the festival “Nei Suoni Dei Luoghi”, pianist Gloria Campaner, Elia Zulli (clarinet) and Rachel Blueberger (cello) will play music by Schumann, Franck and Brahms. For info: tel. (+39) 0432.179 9010
San Giorgio della Richinvelda (Pordenone) – August 5
Live jazz music and local wineries with their wines' tastings will welcome visitors at the Lake Colonia Park from 7 pm up to midnight. For info: tel. (+39) 349.3992992, [email protected] – www.leradicidelvino.com
Sequals (PN) – August 5
At winemaker Albino Armani's estate, from 7 pm up to midnight an evening full of wine and food tastings. For info: tel. (+39) 340.4067052, [email protected].
Latisana (UD) – August 5 and 10
Latisana municipality and local proloco Pro Latisana promote two evenings in collaboration with local restaurants and food producers, taking visitors on a ride through local delicacies and, of course, local wines bearing the trademark Friuli Latisana Doc. from 7 pm up to midnight, on August 5 at Piazzetta Imbarcadero in Aprilia Marittima, wine and food tastings with a romantic view on the lagoon, and on August 10 in Piazza Indipendenza, in the historical city centre of Latisana. For info: tel. (+39) 0431.521550, [email protected]

Wine tastings under the stars at Villa Pitotti with wines from the Friulian Colli Orientali (Oriental Hills), an exhibit by artist Luigi Martinis and a DJ set by OB Sound System, a free buffet all night and visitors will also get to experience a blind taste. Enoteca Tarcentina will offer wine tastes from other Italian regions, too. During the night will be premiered the short film “I Racconti di Re Fosco” (King Fosco's Tales), about the reclamation of Savorgnano's hills, produced by Incipit Film, in collaboration with Povoletto municipality. A child recreational area will be at disposal of parents attending the event.
Duino Aurisina – Devin Nabrežina (Trieste) – August 5-6
Cheers to Duino Aurisina as Italian City of Wine 2022 (Città Italiana del Vino 2022)
Promoted by the municipality and the local Pro Loco Mitreo, the double event will take place by the sea at Sistiana Mare, at PromoTurismo FVG's Palazzina Infopoint di PromoTurismo FVG. From 7 pm up to midnight wine tastings of local wines, especially those produced in the nearby Karstic area, will be matched with local delicacies, all the while overlooking the stunning Sistiana Bay. For info: tel. (+39) 348.5166126 – 349.6649480, [email protected].
Torreano (UD) – August 9
Wine and food tastings with local winemakers and producers, with live music playing in the background, at the Parco dello Scalpellino, from 7.30 pm up to midnight. For info: tel. (+39) 347.3154307, [email protected], [email protected].
Casarsa della Delizia (GO) – August 10
Live music and wine tastings in the beautiful premises of the summer arena in Palazzo Burovich de Zmajevich's ancient orchard (entry from via Segluzza). Free entry for the show with Mookie DJ and Aurora Rays Quartet. Reservation is compulsory for the wine tastings with the sparklings that competed for “Filari di Bolle 2022”: the best spumanti in Friuli Venezia Giulia will be paired with local food products. From 7 pm up to 11 pm. For info&reservations: tel. (+39) 0434.871031, [email protected].
Bertiolo (UD) – August 10
August 10th is traditionally the “Night of Saint Lorenzo”, that is the night of falling stars par excellence. So it's just the best night to enjoy the event that Bertiolo municipality, together with the local proloco Risorgive Medio Friuli, promoted for Calici di Stelle 2022. Friuli Venezia Giulia's wines will be up for tastings in the courtyard of proloco's Enoteca (wine shop) in via Trieste, and will be paired with typical dishes cooked by local restaurants and eateries – plus live music throughout the night. For info: Enoteca ProLoco tel. (+39) 370.3619848, [email protected].
Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO) – August 10
Wine tastings in Piazza Unità d’Italia from 7 pm. Live music by duo "Sarahband" and by "Gipsy and Balkan Beats". Reservation is mandatory: tel. (+39) 0481.960624/338.3968204, [email protected].
Aquileia (UD) – August 10-11
From 7.30 pm up to midnight, local wines' tastings and food tastings by producers adhering to the Agro Aquileiese association. The event for Calici di Stelle is set in the astonishing city centre, in Piazza Capitolo and in the surroundings of the Basilica: being Aquileia one of UNESCO World Heritage site, visitors will also be able to enjoy Night Tours to the Archaelogical Museum which will be open by night thanks to a collaboration with the regional Polo Museale del Friuli Venezia Giulia. For info: tel. (+39) 389.12858620, [email protected].
Buttrio (UD) – August 11
From 7.30 pm up to midnight, the best local wines will be paired with delicatessen by restaurant “Le Fucine Caffè &Bistrot” at Villa di Toppo-Florio. Entertainment will be provided by Gorni Kramer Quartet playing live for the festival “Nei Suoni Dei Luoghi”. Visitors could also take a closer look to the stars thanks to C.AS.T. Association – Circolo Astrofili Talmassons, guiding them through astronomical observation with their telescopes, plus an insight into images from James Webb's space telescope. For info: tel. (+39) 0432.673511, [email protected].
Cormòns (GO) – August 12
Wine tastings at Monte Quarin Castle.
Grado (GO) – August 12-13
From 8 pm up to midnight at the spectacular Nazario Sauro dam, some of the best local wines will match an evening full of local flavours, art and culture.